Saturday, October 12, 2013

Spinzilla Day 6

When I signed up to participate in Spinzilla, I knew it would be hard to find time to spin for a contest.  But I also relished the challenge.  Today was one of those days when spinning didn't get it's turn.

I got up this morning and immediately started sewing halloween costumes for a party at our church tonight.  I don't know why I still, after fifteen years of having children, think that I have until October 31st to finish costumes.  I ALWAYS have to finish them early for some event or another.  This one was particularly early though, and since we'd planned to be gone on a camping trip, I hadn't planned to go.

With the spirit of last minute panic egging me on, we finished costumes just in time to be 15 minutes late.  We had a great time, and I think the kids looked great!

Little Bo Peep, The Black Knight, Tasselhof Burrfoot (from the Dragonlance Books), and Merida (from Brave)
After the party, we went grocery shopping for the camping trip, made meals to freeze, cleaned up a bit, and then I finally sat down to spin for a couple of minutes before bed.  We had to change our camping plans because our first choice plan was full, so we're going to strap on the canoe and go to the James River.  That means car camping, not backpacking, so I'm back to hoping my wheel will fit in the car for the last day of Spinzilla tomorrow.

Here's my little bit of spinning:  Its merino/silk purchase at the Shenandoah fiber festival.  The picture is bad because it's midnight, and I have no good light.  I dyed the roving last week, and have been surprised and pleased by the variation in color.  I expected the silk and merino to take the dye differently, but there's much more variation that I can't explain.

[#spinzilla, #teamspinoff]

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