Monday, October 7, 2013

Spinzilla Day 1!

Today was the first glorious day of Spinzilla, the week that is my excuse to spin everywhere and everywhen I can.

I've been trying to post progress photos on Ravelry and Pinterest, but all technology seems to be failing me today.  Here's hoping that the trusty blog will work!

I'm starting Spinzilla off with some Knit Picks Wool of the Andes Roving in Hot Rod Red.  I spun up one ply of three planned ones a few months ago.

I pre-drafted it on Saturday, and I LOVE how gorgeous the fiber gets as you draft.  Look:



When I went to bed last night, I realized it was after midnight, so I made a token start:

and tonight, I've finished my next bobbin of 133 g, spun to about 21 wpi.

I'm supposed to use hashtags, but don't really have a clue about them, so here you go: #spinzilla, #teamspinoff.  Go team Spin Off!!  Those ladies are putting out some beautiful stuff!


  1. Lovely! What do you do for predrafting, just tug on the fibers a bit lengthwise?

  2. If it's thick, which this was, I split the fiber lengthwise into 2 or 3 strips. Then I start at one end, put my hands a little further apart than the staple of the yarn, and tug gently just until the fibers start sliding. Then I move down a bit and pull again, etc down the length of the whole thing. How about you?
