Thursday, February 15, 2007

I finished something that's been hanging over me!! Yeah! I've decided that if a knitting project was hanging over me, maybe it's not the best thing for me to knit. I loved this pattern, and it turned out great, but I don't think I'm a lace knitter at heart (at least yet). It was too slow for me, and I had to read the pattern the whole time. Of course, I am suffering from pregnant brain! Anyway, it was great to finish this scarf, give it to my sister, and have her love it. As Marly said, you somehow don't believe compliments from relatives, because they have to be nice to you, but I'm still flattered.

I started my first sock ever last night. Yes it's true, I've never knitted socks. I can't help wanting to, however, when so many knitters/bloggers make so many and have so much fun doing it. Anyway, I cast on a chunky wool sock last night while hoping that my husband would get home from work, and got about half finished before I gave up and went to bed. Husband didn't get home until 1:45 am. Good thing we went to lunch for Valentine's day. I finished the sock today except for grafting the toe...with me luck!

Friday, February 9, 2007


After reading knitting books and blogs, I have come to think of the word frogging for unravelling my work and starting again, but where does it come from? Actually, it's usually best not to know the answer to such questions.

I finally started on a crocheted baby afghan for my son. I crocheted one for my first child, and it was finished before she was born. The second one was finished a couple of months after my first son's birth. On the third, after an exhaustive search to find yarn I liked in the color I wanted, I found out that the last two skeins of my "no dye lot" yarn didn't match. I was so frustrated I quit for a long while. I finally (at least a year later) ordered a BUNCH of new yarn and started all over. It wasn't until I was finished that I realized that at least one of the skeins I used didn't quite match. Good thing I didn't notice earlier is all I can say. Third child's afghan was already a year and a half late.

So I finally found the colors my husband picked in a yarn I liked and started afghan number four, but I got this far and decided that I really had done the initial chain stiches too tight. I frogged it all, did it again, really loose...too loose. I'm on try number three now.

Thursday, February 1, 2007


Well, I finished two squares for the Square-a-long and got them mailed off. I'm really excited to see that finished product!

Valerie has offered to knit some squares for a blanket for my baby. Yeah! I think we'll do a trade. I've been thinking about color palettes. Valerie has some pretty orange shaded yarn, and my baby's bedroom-to-be is light blue. I'm crocheting him a deep red and gray apghan (tradition to crochet one for each child). How about something like this?

I've started making some progress on hubby's sweater. It was going very slowly with a cable needle. Since only one stitch went on the needle, the needle kept falling out. I finally searched the web for info on cabling without a needle. It's perfect for this application, and I've learned a new skill. Yeah! Thanks everyone for your generous tutorials.